27 November, 2013


I am not completely over this nasty virus yet. It has really set me back. I didn't run on Sunday.  On Tuesday I set out hoping to get to 14k, 7 out and back, but turned around at 5.5, so only managed 11. Even then I ran/walked the last 2k.

This morning I went to Limestone Park in Ipwich and did some interval training with Chris Gale's group. I am so unfit. I came home, had a shower and some breakfast then slept for 2 hours. I was so stuffed. 

21 November, 2013


:-( I haven't run since Sunday. I've been crook with some sort of virus. Starting to feel a bit better and hopefully will be right for my Sunday run.

18 November, 2013

Sunday run

I met my buddies at Park Road at 5:00 am. We ran a loop out to UQ, across the green bridge, over Highgate Hill, along Dornoch Terrace, around to and along Riverside Drive, my buddies cut off at the GoBetween Bridge and I continued onto the Victoria Bridge before heading back to Park Road. That gave me 18k at 5:38 pace, the whole of which was pain free. Maybe I will getaway without that cortisone jab after all.

15 November, 2013

A slower but better run

I did an easier 14k out and back course today. It took me a while to settle into the run. I felt pretty good on the return journey. As I reached the crest of a long hard hill a couple who were out walking offered me some water. I must have looked like I needed it. I had my own water but stopped and had a quick chat.

I averaged 5:35 per k for the run and managed a 4:52 for the last k. Feeling good at the end of the run was a bonus.

13 November, 2013

14k Loop from home revisited

In my injury free days I had a favourite 14k loop which I used to run up to 4 mornings per week. I would be upset if I didn't complete it in under 1H 10Min. I decided t have a go at it this morning. Gosh it was a hard run. It took me 1h 17min. That is 5:29 pace. I have a lot of work to do.

10 November, 2013

Sunday run

At last! 18k this morning at 5:41 pace. A fair bit of pain during the last 4 k's but managed to keep going OK. I can't believe how satisfying it was to have completed 18k. I remember what a buzz it gave me when I first ran 18k about 12 years ago.

07 November, 2013

Good to get out

It was good to get out on one of my favourite 14k runs from home this morning. At 5:36 pace it was slower than I used to run but it was pain free so I arrived back home feeling quite satisfied with my effort.

06 November, 2013


I have an appointment at the dentist today for the start of some serious work on teeth that have already cost me a fortune over the years. I hope it won't be a setback to my training.

I did 12.5k yesterday and am hoping to do the same tomorrow. If my tooth has to come out I can't imagine being able to run tomorrow.

03 November, 2013

Let me have another crack at blogging

It is so long since I posted anything on my Blog that I had trouble remembering the name so that I could sign in. Hats off to you bloggers who have faithfully blogged year in and year out.

I have an iPad now and so have much less hassle actually getting on line.

Now, here is something I haven't shared with too many people, I have a guaranteed entry in the 2014 Boston Marathon through Travelling Fit.

I have not run or trained for a marathon since the 2012 Gold Coast Marathon. I had hoped to run my 10th GC in 2013 but Plantar Fasciitis and Morton's Neuroma (MN) got in the way. The plantar fasciitis has been fixed but the MN is another story. I have some options re the MN. A) operate and cut the nerve between my second and third toe on my right foot, B) a Cortisone injection which only lasts for 6 weeks, or C) experiment with various shoe inserts, orthotics etc.

At the moment I am working with option C and was able to run 15k this morning with relatively no pain. My previous pain free distance was around 10k. I have a doctors referral to have an ultra sound guided cortisone injection and may have to resort to this in order to build the K's needed to be Marathon fit i.e. able to finish, time is not that important. Option A) is an absolute last resort and one I am not willing to even consider.

My 15k this morning was run at 5:31 pace. This is much slower than I used to run but, nevertheless I was pleased with my effort. I will concentrate on improving the distance week by week. Hopefully as distance and fitness improve, the average pace will improve also.