22 January, 2007

Doing it Tough

Once again I stuck to the Susan Hobson training program and finished the week with a total of 83K's. the tough part was my long run yesterday morning (Sunday). Right from the start I felt like I was really working and couldn't help wondering how I was going to feel at the end of the 30K's. It humidity was very high and I am afraid that is not, for me, conducive to any sort of reasonable performance. I never doubted for a moment that I would complete the run. Once you are out there you really don't have a lot of choice.

The run ended up being 31K and took me 2Hrs 48mins. So after my previous Sunday's pace being 4:56 for 26K it was a bit disappointing to have to work hard for a pace of 5:25 for 31K.

My 8k recovery run this morning was painfully slow and I couldn't help wondering how my 10K at "steady" pace will be tomorrow. Hopefully I can complete it in a faster time than the 46 min it took me for the 8 this morning.


Tesso said...

You really couldn't expect to be running sub 5s for that long in that weather. It was so hot and humid yesterday morning.

I thought it was just me making excuses but talking to people after BRRC they all seemed to struggle in it ... and we weren't running anywhere near as far as you were!

I think we were spoilt with such mild weather in December that summer has hit us like a ton of bricks.

Robert Song said...

I agree with Tesso. I found it tough going on Sunday also but I am happy to be running 5:30 pace for my long runs at the moment. You should be happy to :-)

Peterhorse said...

Hey Rob. Just think of it as acclimatising. Imagine how easy you'll do it in minus 3oC at the start line in Canberra.
Reminds me of the Brsibane half last year (where everyone did it tought in the heat). Seems like we all suffer together on those days.
All good mate!!

Mat said...

Good on you for stuggling though with the conditions as nasty as they were.

Clairie said...

31kms on Sunday morning! Boy that is tough. I think you will be suprised by the benefits you will see from that sort of run when Canberra comes around.

I have seen and like Susan's program. Keep up the good work!

Clairie said...

Damn, I forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDDIE. I'll give you a big hug when I see you next!!!

Ewen said...

It's got to be tough in that heat and humidity Eddie. Don't stress too much about the long run pace. I'm sure Susan would understand.

Horrie said...

It's runs like that Eddie that are the most beneficial. It wouldn't be very interesting if every run was easy?