24 February, 2006

A Sow Start

It took some real willpower to get out of bed this morning. Once I am up it's OK. I had a very slow start this morning and thought, as I ran, that an out and back may not be worthwhile. I reached the point where I can either turn right and continue on my 12K circuit or turn left to run till I hit 30mins. My legs decided to go left so I had no choice but to go with them. I didn't think I would meven make 6K in the 30 mins today. I hit 5K in 25:22 and thought I may just scrape in the 6k in 30. I hit the 6 and the 30 right on the dot, turned and headed for home which I did in 27:09.

My average pace today was 4:46 for 12K whereas yesterday's was 4:41 for 12.3K.

My total K's this week: 82 and for the month so far: 274


Tesso said...

Another great neg split there Eddie.

The post title had me thinking maybe you had bacon for brekky ;-)

Rob said...

I was going to change the title but I think I will just leave it.

it was ment to be Slow of course.